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We have now offered this course two times. Once in early June, and again in late July. Close to a hundred landscape professionals have taken it. We're getting tremendous feedback as to the value and transformation that occurs in professionals who have completed it.

Both of the previous course sessions sold out within a week of opening the registration. If you'd like to get in on the next session, enroll in Irrigation Mastery school for free to receive advance notification of the next session in mid to late September.

On the home page for Irrigation Mastery school, there are other course and free resources offerings. To enroll in the school for free, click the button below and look for Sign Up link at the top of the page.

Who This Drip Design Course is For

This Drip Design course is geared toward landscape professionals who either design landscapes, or have direct access to to-scale landscape plans or planting plans. This would include mainly landscape architects, landscape designers, and design-build landscape contractors. The course will be taught demonstrating Lori's 7-step drip design process being applied in CAD software. But for those who draft by hand, the step-by step process can still be followed, as there will be a workbook provided with the course.

We're planning to follow up this online design course with the installation of the project that we design in the course. Attendees of the design portion will be offered the opportunity to attend the installation of the drip system we design, if current stay-at-home-regulations are lifted to a degree to allow this. We're keeping our fingers crossed.

Who This Drip Design Course is Not For

This first course is not for people who don't design landscapes or irrigation. Drip design of line source drip will be demonstrated using CAD software. A heavy emphasis will be put on designing drip on plans, whether it's done electronically or hand drawn. If you do not design either landscapes or irrigation on to-scale plans, this course is not for you. There will be a follow-on course, which will be the actual installation of the drip systems we design in the first part. That course will show the installation, and provide tips and tricks for the best implementation of drip designs, and is geared toward anybody installing irrigation. Stay tuned for that announcement.