Puddle-Stompers Blog

Choosing Irrigation Controllers - Taking Control

by Lori Palmquist

Choosing Irrigation Controllers - Taking Control

This afternoon, at 4:00 pm, I will be giving a controller talk (virtually) hosted by the APLD Greater Los Angeles, California district. I’m so excited about hanging with my old APLD buddies again! It’s been a few years since my life changed and drew me away from my work and play with them.

As a call to action at the end of the talk, I issued a challenge and an invitation.

The Challenge

I challenged them to find a project that they could specify a controller (preferably smart one) for, using the parameters I explained to them during the talk. Then I invited them to come to this blog post and share which controller they decided on and why. I would very much like to continue the conversation here. So please do go ahead and comment or ask questions.

My Online School

I do plan to create a mini-course on irrigation scheduling and choosing irrigation controllers in my online school, Irrigation Mastery. If you’re interested in getting an announcement when this course goes live, either sign up as a free member on this Puddle-Stompers site, or enroll for free in my online school. I’ve already got a free course and offerings there.

Feel free to contribute to the conversation. You can also ask questions if you’d like. I look forward to seeing what you contribute. Just scroll down to leave a comment.
